
By John Aldred

The Raw Wound as a Siamese parted
Waits the healing balm of time.
The long coupled pair
Lie separate
And the wound awaits repair.

Let no man put asunder this duet
But mystery split the bonding
And the long coupled pair
Lie separate
And the wound denotes despair.

The Raw Wound gaping at the axed split
The pain anaesthetised by numbness
And the long coupled pair
Lie separate.
Exposed, the nerve ends there.

The Raw Wound shrieks at the agony
As numbness is cancelled by strain
But the long coupled pair
Lie separate
Each doubtful of their gain.

The Raw Wound gasps at the end
Bewildered at the spin of fate
For the long coupled pair
Now separate
Must each bind their own tear.

Copyright © 1999 John Aldred